Let us meet your pilot training, proficiency checking and type rating needs.

Pilot Training, Proficiency Training and Type Ratings

About us

We provide PIC/SIC type ratings along with Recurrent training and FAR 61.58 certification

Jetstream was founded to be a personal, one on one training center. Our goal is to provide the best quality training, for less cost than the big guys, at your convenience. We have been doing this for over 13 years and cater to our customers.

We pride ourselves on having the best team of professional instructors. Our instructors are jet pilots, that fly these planes every day. Highly qualified, with varied backgrounds and thousands of hours of experience.

We have an examiner available for every airplane we offer. Check rides are scheduled prior to booking, no surprises or delays. We currently support four jet types for both recurrent training (61.58) and initial type ratings. Please call us for a consultation.

Core Values

Efficient Training
Cost Effective
Experienced Instructors


The aircraft type ratings and recurrent training we offer
Premier RA-390
Cessna Mustang CE-510
HondaJet HA-420
Embraer Phenom

Contact us today

We would like to hear from you!

We are located on the Chino Airport (KCNO).
7000 Merrill Ave
Chino, CA 91710
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